Brian Banks’ accuser ordered to pay school district $2.6 million

The Long Beach Unified School District has won a $2.6-million judgment in its lawsuit against a former student who falsely accused classmate and football player Brian Banks of rape, officials said Thursday.

“The court recognizes that our school district was a victim in this case,” district Supt. Christopher J. Steinhauser said in a statement. “This judgment demonstrates that when people attempt to defraud our school system, they will feel the full force of the law.” Full Article

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This is an apalling story! I saw this story over a year ago on the news! This woman (what type of person does this) accused the man of rape, he was sent to prison and then required to register as a sex offender? I don’t even know how he could function after this. Then, she sued the school district and received a huge settlement? Oh, it gets better. She contacted him later? Surreal. I can recall my attorney telling me a similar story. He had a case on LB where a guy broke up with a girl and she made the same accusation? She put the guy through hell and they were about to go to trial and the girls aunt saved him/exposing her lies! It was also found she had done this before ? I can only wonder why she wasn’t prosecuted? In this case, the man’s reputation was ruined and this incident possibly cost him a shot at being a professional football player as well? Surreal

Unfortunately I do not think she has a penny I think she blew it all. Whatever money he does manage to get will be extorted off of him by the mugshots websites. And he will probably remain on the megan’s website for another 10 years before they get around to correcting it. I’m also surprised the DA is not refiling on him even though he knows he is innocent just to protect his conviction rate.I know for a fact the DA in my case knows I am innocent but he don’t give a dam. He did everything he could to intimidate the witness against me into recanting her recant. This whole country has turned into nothing but a cesspool of corruption greed and incompetence starting from the top down.

The DA should be outraged this occurred! In essence, the man was raped and put into prison for 5 YEARS! I can only imagine what he went through! This is surreal. The woman should be put into jail immediately, she should be charged with a crime and just as individuals who commit sexual crimes are put in the media as examples, she should as well. This is just terrible! 5-Years